International Conference on Afghan Migration: Researching Aspirations, Movements, Demography & Integration

This conference brings together researchers working on Afghan migration, with a particular emphasis on empirical research and policy implications.

The conference seeks to place Afghan migration to Europe and Australia within a broader global context by drawing on recent research on Afghan migration to its nearest neighbours, within the sub-region, to and through transit countries and to final destination countries.

Of particular focus are the:

- dynamic contexts within which Afghan potential and actual migrants are considering their migration options, and how those considerations and decision making processes vary geographically and over time;

- migration patterns of Afghans within the sub-region and beyond;

- demography of Afghan migration;

- issues facing Afghans in transit countries;

- integration and semi-integration of Afghans in host, transit and destination countries and the implications for onward movement and return.

Register here



Ahmet İçduygu, Professor, Koç University, Istanbul

Anna Triandafyllidou, Professor, European University Institute
William Maley,Professor, Australian National University
Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Professor, University of Tehran
Sharon Pickering, Professor, Monash University
Anita Sengupta, Senior Researcher, Calcutta Research Group
Susanne Schmeidl, Lecturer, University of New South Wales
Liza Schuster, Lecturer, City University London
Nematullah Bizhan, Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellow, University of Oxford
Vivianne van der Vorst, Programme Manager, IOM Kabul
Katie Kuschminder, Post-doctoral Researcher, Maastricht University
Khadija Abbasi, PhD Candidate, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, Geneva
Dinuk Jayasuriya, Adjunct, Australian National University
Marie McAuliffe, Sir Roland Wilson PhD Scholar, Australian National University
Abdul Ghafoor, City University London / Afghanistan Migrants Advice and Support Organization
Professor Jenny Corbett, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University - welcome address
Professor Amin Saikal, Director, Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies, Australian National University - opening address


Date and Times


University House Common Room, 1 Balmain Crescent, ANU, Acton
